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Vietnamese delegation visits Malaspina to study 'best practises'

October 12, 2007 - 4:19am

Eighteen high-ranking post-secondary and government representatives from Vietnam visited Malaspina University-College Thursday, October 11 to discuss "best practices" in education.

The delegation, including five representatives from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), met with President Ralph Nilson and other university-college officials as part of a cross Canada tour of several post-secondary institutions.

"This is a very important delegation," said Theresa Meyer, Manager of Contract and Group Programs in Malaspina's International Education department. "It could potentially lead to further international partnerships between Malaspina and post-secondary institutions in Vietnam."

During their one-day stop at Malaspina, the delegates met with university-college officials to examine different models for curriculum development, different approaches for professional development, and how the institution supports life-long learning and inter-institutional partnerships in transfer programs.

The group also met with Bob Foley, Director of Malaspina's $14.1-million library to discuss how the library is organized, and with Fred Jacklin, Director of Enrolment Management and Registrar, to discuss registration systems.

According to Meyer, two of the Vietnamese guests have been partners with Malaspina before in other CIDA funded projects, including development of the Tri Vinh Community College in Vietnam. In that project, Malaspina's Education faculty were invited to join an international consortium led by the Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science to establish the new college.

With more than 1,000 international students enrolled from 50 different countries, Malaspina is a leader in international education. Collaborations with post-secondary institutions from around the world have  bolstered Malaspina's global reputation, Meyer added.

Following their visit to Malaspina, the Vietnamese delegation will continue their tour to other post-secondary institutions in BC, Alberta and Ontario.


Tags: In the Community

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