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Malaspina Business internships are good for business and students

May 29, 2001 - 5:00pm

Malaspina University-College student, Robin Hestor, recently completed an internship with Douglas A. Johnston & Co., the Nanaimo Certified General Accounting firm that sponsored Hestor's internship.

Internships are a requirement in the final year of Malaspina's four-year degree program and include approximately 120 hours of unpaid placement, with students undertaking one or more substantial projects on behalf of their sponsor. Students complete two internship terms, each with different educational objectives.

According to Hestor, who receives his degree this June, the internship "was an excellent experience, a great deal of fun and gave me the motivation to pursue a professional accounting designation."

Doug Johnston said, "Internships are a win-win situation in that they allow us to expose a student to a professional public practice while giving them the experience critical to obtaining full-time employment. Our company's philosophy is to support programs such as this whenever possible."

Malaspina offers a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Business. In addition to accounting, the Business Major also includes options in finance, general management and marketing. Malaspina relies on the support of employers like Douglas A. Johnston & Co. to provide students with internship opportunities.

If you are interested in sponsoring a student, or would like more information, contact the Faculty of Management at (250) 741-2211 or visit the web page at:

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