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Free public reading by celebrated Canadian novelist and playwright Tomson Highway

September 26, 2005 - 5:00pm

The public is invited to a free presentation and reading by critically acclaimed novelist and playwright Tomson Highway at Malaspina University-College’s Nanaimo campus on Monday, October 3.

Highway, one of Canada's leading playwrights, has written eight plays including the acclaimed Rez Sisters and Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing, winners of both the Dora Mavor Moore Award and the Chalmers Award. His other more recent works include his first novel, Kiss of the Fur Queen, and his latest play, Ernestine Gets Her Trout.

The presentation and reading in the Malaspina Theatre (900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo) takes place from 2:30 to 4:30 pm, and will be followed by a potluck reception at 4:30 pm in building 355, room 211. Those attending the potluck are asked to bring a cold dish and drop it off at the table in the foyer on your way into the theatre. Highway will be available to sign books at the reception. The evening will conclude with traditional bone games – a First Nations gambling game where everyone is welcome to participate.

This event is co-hosted by Malaspina’s Creative Writing and Journalism department and the First Nations Studies department, with support from The Playwrights Guild of Canada and Canada Council for the Arts. For more information, call Laura Cranmer at 753-3245, local 2763.

Tags: In the Community

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